Category Archives: Lawn Care

Everything you need to know about maintaining your lawn, grass, and yard.

rectangular trampoline vs round

I’ve owned a lot of trampolines, and I’ve had trampolines for a long time. However, I didn’t really see much difference between the different shapes when it came to trampolines. After all, you jump on your trampoline, and that is Read more…

best trampolines that fold away

Sometimes, you just might not want to block a part of your lawn forever. If you’re like me, you might not want to leave your trampoline out in the lawn all the time at all! In this case, you might Read more…

best mini trampolines with handlebars for adults

If you’re a fun loving adult like me, you can’t just get over trampolines. After all, what heartless people can stop loving trampolines just because they have grown up now? However, while you’re a kid at heart, your body does Read more…

how to fix a leaky hose bib

We’ve all had a leaky hose bib at least at one point in our lifetimes. Just when you thought things can’t be better (or worse), bam! Here comes a leaky hose bib to annoy you a little more. And then Read more…

what kind of oil goes in a lawn mower

A lot of experts define oil as the lifeblood of a lawn mower. Naturally, some lawn mowers cannot start with no oil or really low oil levels, while others can start but are much more prone to damage. So, you Read more…

when is it too late to sow grass seed

If you’re dreaming of the perfect lawn, having the perfect grass must be an important part of it. However, knowing when to sow grass is a really important thing if you want a perfect turf. And that means, you need Read more…