Category Archives: Sprinklers


How Do Oscillating Sprinklers Work

At one point or the other, if you look at oscillating sprinklers, you’re bound to wonder about this. In fact, in order to understand between two kind of sprinklers perfectly, such as the differences between the oscillating and the impact Read more…

How to Blow Out Sprinklers

In our last article, we discussed about why lawn sprinklers need to be winterized. In this article, we are going to talk about how they are usually winterized. We are going to discuss how they are generally done as well Read more…

Do Sprinklers Need to be Winterized

If you are here, you are probably already aware about what winterizing a sprinkler means. However, let us look at it once more to have a clear concept so that we can easily judge weather its worth getting your sprinklers Read more…

trampoline sprinkler system

Well, since you are here reading this article, you must be familiar about the basic concepts of a trampoline and using water with it. Here is my recent article titled Do Sprinklers Ruin Trampolines in case you didn’t think about asking Read more…